山本正道 シモン・パシエカ
- 寓話との出会い -
2016年8月5日[金]- 10月16日[日]
公益財団法人 花王芸術・科学財団/公益財団法人 野村財団/
公益財団法人 朝日新聞文化財団/神奈川県文化芸術団体事業助成事業
■ 8月7日(日) 15時より オープニング・レセプション+作家によるトークイベントを開催
■ 8月20日(日) ミュージアム・コンサート 声楽:木村和世、ピアノ:宮川久美 開演:16時
■ 10月2日(日) 高橋アキ ピアノ・コンサート 開演:16時



Masamichi Yamamoto / Simon Pasieka
-Encounter with Allegories-
August 5 (Fri) – October 16 (Sun) 2016
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
600 yen for adults
500 yen for students
300 yen for elementary school students
Sponsored by
The Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences / Nomura Foundation
The Asahi Shimbun Foundation / Kanagawa Prefecture
August 7 (Sun) 15:00- Opening Reception with Talk Session
Masamichi Yamamoto, who has won numerous awards, is one of the most renowned sculptors in Japan. Simon Pasieka is based in Paris and active all around Europe, gaining increasing attention. Their earnest attitude toward creation empowers their works to guide viewers to a spiritual uplift far beyond figure. Their works are not merely entertaining surprises or fascination, but are highly spiritual experiences leading to cultivation of the viewer’s mind.
Yamamoto has established a unique world of landscape sculpture, in which various figures recaptured from his memory are installed. His world composed of rocks and bronze encages immortality, and trees standing therein are deeply rooted in a vast ground of spirit.
In Pasieka’s works, personages are practicing some ritual acts. They are ageless, and their past is only in that moment captured in the picture. They are trying to face themselves through their experiences in their environments. These scenes may seem familiar, but look like nowhere. Pasieka’s attempt is to awaken memories and sensations in us, and to allow us to find new ways of engagement with society.
Translation by Miho Ida