2020年8月8日[土]- 10月4日[日]
■ 特別講演 9月5日(土)15:00より ※要予約 先着15名様

展覧会について 彦坂尚嘉
さて、今回の作品は、欧米の名画を切断したもので、普通にはやってはいけないことをやっています。 私が前提にしているのは、日本の新古今和歌集です。この新古今和歌集も実は評判は悪くて、アララギ派の正岡子規が『写生論』を背景にして、『古今和歌集』を「くだらぬ集」と激しく罵倒しています。
つまり、一つの歌集に対しても、評価は、激しくぶつかり合うのです。 私の今回の名画の切断芸術もまた、「くだらぬ作品集」という批判は強くあるでしょう。あるいは反対に、世界美術史というものの再評価を組織化した「最上の象徴芸術」であると認めてくださる方々もいるかもしれません。
“Honkadori Shin Kokin Wakashu” & “Grandchildren playing with Masterpieces”
August 8 (Sat) 2020 – October 4 (Sun) 2020
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
700 yen for adults
600 yen for students
400 yen for elementary school students
Naoyoshi Hikosaka is a multi-talented artist whose scope of activities ranges from contemporary art, writing, and art analysis using his self-developed linguistic technique. This exhibition features his recent works of disconnection art.
About this exhibition
Well, these works are what is supposed not to be done ? cutting apart western masterpieces.
The inspiration of my works was a Japanese anthology of poems Shin Kokin Wakashu, which was actually criticized so bitterly by Shiki Masaoka as being worthless.
Meanwhile Hakushu Kitahara highly appreciated Shin Kokin Wakashu as the best representation of Japanese poetic art and the mainstream of Japanese poetry.
As you see, the same anthology may have completely different reputations.
My current works of disconnection art may also be criticized as a worthless collection, but some may appreciate it as the best representation of World art history.
The famous technique seen in Shin Kokin Wakashu is Honkadori. I applied this Honkadori to my works of disconnection art.
I am totally aware of those who don’t see any significance in such Honkadori.
Anyways, I’m a kind of art geek who was addicted to World art collection books in the elementary school library.
Naoyoshi Hikosaka
Translation by Miho Ida