袴田京太朗 循環しないレモンイエロー
2019年10月19日[土]- 12月22日[日]
助成:公益財団法人 野村財団
■ 12月1日[日]高橋アキ ピアノコンサートはチケット完売につき申込みを終了いたしました。
■ 対談 10月19日(土) 14時より 山本和弘 x 袴田京太朗 「ヨーゼフ・ボイスの挑発について」
カスヤの森現代美術館にはヨーゼフ・ボイスの重要なコレクションが多数あるが、 中でも黄色い電球とレモンを結合させた「カプリバッテリー」は、ボイスの思想をシ ンプルに表象した特別な作品だと思う。
2019 年9 月11 日 袴田京太朗

Kyotaro Hakamata “Non Circulating Lemon Yellow”
October 19 (Sat) -December 22 (Sun) 2019
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
600 yen for adults
500 yen for students
300 yen for elementary school students
Museum Haus Kasuya possesses numerous important collections of Joseph Beuys, among which I consider “Capri Battery”, an yellow light bulb combined with a lemon, a special piece representing his philosophy in a straightforward way.
All my works to be presented in this exhibition were created on the basis of “Capri Battery” which is also a part of this exhibition.
I did not mean to experiment with the today’s approach of analyzing the artist’s philosophy on the basis of meticulous research. Rather, I attempted to interpret or intentionally misread his method in my own way to trigger an unknown chemical reaction.
Meanwhile, the constitutive elements of “Capri Battery”- a lemon, a light bulb and yellow color – were once the motifs of my own artworks. I therefore had to tackle with my issues on these materials and images as well. Then I imitated Beuys’ superhuman plastic art creation and morally playful method, to produce an “authentic fake”.
Kyotaro Hakamata September 11, 2019
Since the opening of Museum Haus Kasuya in 1994, we have been introducing international and domestic artists in our permanent collection and special exhibitions. On our 25th anniversary, we are holding exhibitions featuring up-and-coming Japanese artists throughout this year.
The present exhibition featuring a sculptor Kyotaro Hakamata is also a part of this commemoration project. With Hakamata, who experiments with various approaches in pursuit of the definition of sculpture, we hope this exhibition would be an opportunity of exploring potential of solid artworks and suggesting an agenda for future sculptural works. An installation in collaboration with “Capri Battery” is expected to make Hakamata’s works even more attractive.
Translation by Miho Ida