若江漢字 ・ 解読された「大ガラス」展
Marcel Duchamp「大ガラス」の謎、その答えとしての絵画展
2015年8月5日[金]- 9月27日[日]
■ 8月23日(日) 15:00~ 若江漢字/アーティストトーク(要予約)
■ 9月27日(日)開演16:00 高橋アキ/ピアノコンサート(チケット要予約)
特別イベント 第二展示室+ラウンジにて 《中島克童 陶展》同時開催中

100 年の謎は解明された。20 世紀最大の謎とされたマルセル・デュシャン(1887-1968 年)の『彼女の独身者たちによって裸にされた花嫁、さえも』通称『大ガラス』は、制作から100 年目に解読され、その解答としての作品がほぼ原寸大の絵画として展示される。
デュシャンの「大ガラス」は近代芸術が無効とした遠近法や宗教画に代表される絵画の主題主義の2 大要素をこともあろうに前衛の帝王とされたデュシャンが再評価し「大ガラス」に取り入れ、陳腐とされた古典的諸要素を斬新で独創的な手法によって「大ガラス」に導入し蘇らせたデュシャンの驚異的な宗教画の大傑作だったのです。今回私が100 年の謎に対する解答として「大ガラス」の全ての図像を有り得べき元の姿として読み解き再構築して完成させた200 号の大作を展示します。
2015 年7 月 若江漢字

Kanji Wakae “The Large Glass” Deciphered
Answers to the Mystery of Marcel Duchamp’s The Large Glass
August 5 (Wed) – September 27 (Sun) 2015
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
600 yen for adults
500 yen for students
300 yen for elementary school students
Opening Reception August 9 (Sun) 15:00 –
Special Event
August 23 (Sun) Artist’s Talk (Reservation Required)
This exhibition introduces brand new works of Kanji Wakae, deciphering the mystery of “The Large Glass” by Marcel Duchamp. Materials and models used for production are also exhibited.
Kanji Wakae “The Large Glass” Deciphered
The mystery for 100 years is now deciphered. “The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even” so-called “The Large Glass” – the greatest mystery of 20th century, has finally been deciphered 100 years after its production and an answer is provided in the form of a painting.
The Large Glass composed of vertically arranged two thick glass plates has, until now, been considered to depict alchemy or sterile eroticism in the machine age. By analyzing anew the incomprehensible figures in the work, we can see that the work is a religious picture grounded on traditional Western art.
The upper part is, as pointed out by a gallerist Sidney Janis, an abstract representation of the Assumption. Given this, according to my interpretation, the even more incomprehensible lower part, which is an earthly landscape with mysterious figures in perspective, depicts a story of Mary’s marriage and the birth of Jesus Christ.
In The Large Glass, the king of avant-garde reevaluated perspective and Christianity, which were considered obsolete in the modern art. We can say that The Large Glass is an amazing chef-oeuvre of Duchamp, successfully resurrecting the classic and conventional art motifs. As an answer to the mystery of The Large Glass, you will find a huge painting interpreting and reconstructing all figures in The Large Glass as they should be.
July 2015, Kanji Wakae
Translation by Miho Ida