若江漢字 《絵画 克服される現在》
助成:公益財団法人 花王 芸術・科学財団
現在開催中の企画展、「若江漢字 絵画 克服される現在」は会期を延長し、7月26日(日)まで開催いたします。※会期中、毎週日曜日には作家が在館しております。
若江漢字は、これまで絵画の主題として都市文明の過去と現在の物語をテーマにした「都市の消息」や、西洋絵画史の非常に大きなテーマとしてある宗教画に取り組んだ「キリスト教絵画の試み」、また、絵画のテーマとしては既に使い果たされたと思われる「裸婦」が現代絵画のテーマとして成り得るのかを問う「なぜ今ヌードなのか?! 絵画の主題:裸婦」などのシリーズを完成させ発表している。本展では、社会や歴史に関わる様々な問題をテーマにした最新の絵画作品を展示すると共にマルセル・デュシャンの作品、通称《大ガラス》や《遺作》についての新解釈を絵画として再構築し合わせて展示する。

絵画は目の楽しみだけでなく、隠された意図や目的や狙いが内蔵されており、未来の思想が先取りされていなければならない。既に作品それ自体が目的のモダニズムの時 代は終わっている。
「クールベ以来、絵画は網膜に向けられたものだと信じられてきました。誰もがそこで間違っていたのです。網膜のスリルなんて! 以前は、絵画はもっと別の機能を持っていました。それは宗教的でも、哲学的でも、道徳的でもありえたのです。…」(デュシャンは語る / ちくま学芸文庫)より

KANJI WAKAE “Painting: The Defeated Present“
March 21 (Sat) – July 26 (Sun) 2020
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
700 yen for adults
600 yen for students
400 yen for elementary school students
Kanji Wakae has produced numerous series of artworks including: “News from the City” on the past and the present of urban civilization; “Attempt at Christian Painting” tackling religious painting, which is one of the important themes in the European art history; and “Theme of Paintings: Nude” questioning whether nude, a banal motif of paintings, could be a theme of modern paintings.
This exhibition presents Wakae’s newest productions on social and historical issues, along with tableaux based on new interpretations of “The Large Glass” and “Etant donnes” by Marcel Duchamp.
With regard to the way for paintings in the future, Wakae once stated on the occasion of his own exhibition in 2012:
“I vaguely perceive that the postmodernism painting should be created in the “pre-Cezanne” way – in other words, unlike the self-revelation modernism painting where the artwork itself is the goal, the concept of the work should have signals that are meaningful for society.
Painting must, not only be visually amusing, but also have hidden intentions and objectives and anticipate future thoughts. The era of modernism has already ended.”
Meanwhile Marcel Duchamp, the most avant-garde artist of the day who produced “The Large Glass” about a hundred years ago, criticized the modern paintings to be too retinal:
The retinal shudder! Before, painting had other functions: it could be religious, philosophical, moral…” (Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp, Hachette, 2009)
The modern painting, pursuing expression itself as the primary objective, tends to be evaluated quite subjectively from the viewpoint of eccentricity, comfort, etc. This aspect weakens the innate energy of painting, causing a lack of satisfaction and stagnating closeness.
In the present exhibition, Wakae attempts to retrieve, as a means for overcoming such situation, a mechanism of provoking thoughts and sense of wonder that lead to long-lasting satisfaction beyond temporary retinal enjoyment, through rehabilitation of function and mission of painting in society.
Translation by Miho Ida