来日30周年 ヨーゼフ・ボイス
助成:公益財団法人 花王芸術・科学財団
公益財団法人 三菱UFJ信託地域文化財団
後援:公益財団法人 横須賀市生涯学習財団
■ 8月9日(土)16:00~ レクチャー.1 若江漢字(現代美術家)
■ 10月12日(日)14:00~ レクチャー.2 山本和弘(栃木県立美術館 シニア・キュレーター)
■ 9月28日 放送のNHK-Eテレ「日曜美術館 アートシーン」でご紹介いただきました。
■ 11月15日[土]高橋アキ ピアノコンサート 開催


(1984.5.29 共同記者会見、赤坂プリンスホテル)

Celebrating 30th anniversary of his visit to Japan
August 8 (Fri) – Oct 26 (Sun) 2014
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
600 yen for adults
500 yen for students
300 yen for elementary school students
Subsidized by
The Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences
The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Cultural Foundation
Special Programs: Gallery Talks
August 9 (Sat) 2014: Lecture 1 – Kanji Wakae
October 12 (Sun) 2014: Lecture 2 – Kazuhiro Yamamoto(Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts)
Joseph Beuys developed a concept of “social sculpture”, art that functions in society, and significantly influenced the art scene of 60s and later. Beuys, who has overcome the conventional modern art by incorporating social components such as politics (education), economics, and environmental issues into art works, isundoubtedly one of the representative artists of the 20th century. His activities, extending to establishment of Green Party and the Free International University, is carried through to the present day as an important core of thought.
Museum Haus Kasuya has been exhibiting Beuys’ works as a permanent collection since its opening 20 years ago. In commemoration of 30th anniversary of his only visit to Japan, we would like to provide an opportunity to reconsider Beuys’ works which were created for suggesting what the art should be in the future.
“I am not planning to upset Japan in this short period of 8 days – in fact, I just want to show what I made” (May 29, 1984, At Akasaka Prince Hotel)
From these words, we can see that Joseph Beuys’ intention was not just a one-time event that surprises audiences profusely, but presenting an aspect of the sustainable and ever-developing art.
Many of artworks that were attracting attention 30 years ago have already lost their effects with the passage of time. On the contrary, messages conveyed through Beuys’ works and performances are currently gaining more and more importance, with a rise of environmental consciousness and doubts about an economy-centered society. His messages, directed not only at art fans and critics, but at all the modern people, are worth recalling over and over.
Translation by Miho Ida