宮脇愛子 1959~new works
2014年3月26日[水]- 5月25日[日]
■ 特別プログラム 宮田まゆみ 笙・コンサート♪ 5月24日(土)
「宮脇愛子展」に寄せるスペシャルプログラム!! チケット要予約
1959年の初めての個展から55年、日本を代表する国際的作家として活躍する宮脇愛子、その発展して止まぬ表現は常に時代をリードし続けて来ました。80年代以降の代表作「うつろひ」は、モンジュイック・オリンピック広場(バルセロナ)、ラ・デファンス(パリ)、など世界各地にコレクションされ 様々な賞を受賞しています。


AIKO MIYAWAKI 1959 – new works
March 26 (Wed) – May 25 (Sun) 2014
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
600 yen for adults
500 yen for students
300 yen for elementary school students
Museum Haus Kasuya celebrates its 20th anniversary in this April. Upcoming special exhibitions feature artists who are close to us, the first of whom is Aiko Miyawaki.
Miyawaki is one of leading artists in Japan, and her first solo exhibition dates back to 1959. Her ever-developing production has always been cutting-edge. “UTSUROHI”, her chef-d’oeuvre from 80s, is in collection worldwide, for example Montjuic Olympic Park (Barcelona) and La Defence (Paris), and won numerous prizes.
The present exhibition features her outstanding works from 60s to 70s including dynamic informel-like oil paintings from the early period of her career, a minimal tableau, a brass pipe sculpture titled “Work” known for winning a purchase award in Guggenheim International Exhibition in 1967, and “MEGU”, thick glass plates cut out by an original method and then layered; “UTSUROHI”, which had been installed in our bamboo forest during her exhibition in 2006; and paintings she recently produces energetically.
We believe that, by introducing her works produced over the years in a determined manner,
the present exhibition also has significance as a retrospective of her career.
Translation by Miho Ida