開館30周年記念 松澤宥
2023年 12月7日[木]- 2024年 2月25日[日]
※ 2024年2月12日[月]は休館になります。
■美術館・アート情報のWebマガジン artscape のオススメ展覧会で「開館30周年記念 松澤宥」が紹介されました。
■News 高橋アキ・ピアノコンサート開催 2024年4月13日[土] ※要予約
本展では当館のコレクションの中から今までご紹介する機会のなかった作品、「Ψの函」(1983年刊行)や「Nine Mandalas」(1982年刊行/メディア画廊・スイス)の一部を展観すると共に過去の展覧会資料なども合わせてご紹介いたします。
MUSEUM HAUS KASUYA 30th Anniversary Exhibition
December 7(Thu) 2023 – February 25 (Sun) 2024
10:00 – 17:30 (Last admission 17:00)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
800 yen for adults
600 yen for students
400 yen for elementary school students
Since opening of Museum Haus Kasuya in 1994, we have introduced domestic and international modern art works through special exhibitions and the permanent collection. To commemorate our 30th anniversary in April 2024, exhibitions featuring important artists closely associated with the museum are coming up throughout the year. This solo exhibition of Yutaka Matsuzawa inaugurates the 30th anniversary year of the museum.
We consider Matsuzawa as one of the important figures in the modern art and have presented his works through five solo and group exhibitions including“Quantum Art Manifesto”, our very first exhibition in April 1995, and “Eighty years problem – GENMEI – KOUAN” in March 2002.
Since having an epiphany “Vanish the Object” in June 1964, Yutaka Matsuzawa ceased his previous formative activities and started creating and releasing purely conceptual pieces and performances domestically and internationally, e.g., Sao Paulo Art Biennial (1977) and a performance at TATE Modern (2001). Matsuzawa thus attained a world-wide reputation as a pioneer of conceptual art.
Even after his death at age 84 in 2006, his works are still appreciated. MoMA introduced some of Matsuzawa’s works in “In & Out of Amsterdam” in 2009. Matsuzawa was also featured in Yokohama Triennale 2014.
The present exhibition features a selection of works from our collection that have never been presented before, including “Box of the Psi” (1983) and “Nine Mandalas” (1982, Media Gallery, Switzerland), as well as materials from past exhibitions.