
2024年 3月9日[土]- 5月19日[日]





「私の目的は、自らが芸術家であることを見せることではなく、それを見た人々に問いに至るまでの意識を喚起させることでした。そこでは見る人そのものが問題になっているということです。私は人々の中に深く眠っているこうした意識を呼び起こすために、アルカイックな方法をとったわけです」(1984年5月30日 朝日ジャーナル インタビューより)


MUSEUM HAUS KASUYA 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Joseph Beuys

March 9(Sat) –  May 19 (Sun)  2024
10:00 – 17:30 (Last admission 17:00)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

800 yen for adults
600 yen for students
400 yen for elementary school students

Talk by Kanji Wakae: March 10, 2024 (Sun) 14:00
Article on Museum Haus Kasuya by Ameko Kodama (lyricist, novelist) on “Hanako” Website
Piano concert by Aki Takahashi: April 13, 2024 (Sat) (Reservations have been closed)

Since its opening in 1994, Museum Haus Kasuya has introduced the works of Joseph Beuys, one of the most indispensable figures of the postwar art, through its permanent collection and special exhibitions.

Our Beuys collection started from a signed tiny blackboard eraser, and now counts over 100 items over 30 years. The present exhibition showcases newly acquired works and photographic materials, and will offer visitors the opportunity to experience the messages from Beuys, who attempted to show how art should be in the future.

During his stay in Japan in 1984, Joseph Beuys described his artistic activities in an interview as follows:

In other words, Beuys’ goal was not the conventional artistic expression that is completed when people visit a museum and view the exhibited artworks. Beuys’ expression starts when people view his works, and he gave importance to their actions afterwards. It is believed that Beuys continued to create and present a variety of methods to provide triggers for such actions – not just seeking a novel and eccentric expression, but hoping that new consciousness would arise in the people.