写真再読 山中信夫
2013年9月11日[水]- 10月27日[日]
入館料/通常料金 500円
■ 協力:栃木県立美術館


NOBUO YAMANAKA ”Re-reading Photography”
September 11 (Wed) – October 27 (Sun) 2013
10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:30)
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
Admission : 500 yen
In cooperation with Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts
From 60s, Japanese artists have made various attempts to incorporate photographic expression into modern art. Among these, Yamanaka’s works employing the pinhole mechanism were much noted.
In the present exhibition, we introduce a series titled “B&W pinhole” (1973), from early years of his career where he was particularly active.
The pinhole concept consists of three types of works: pinhole box, photographic works, and pinhole room.
“Pinhole box” is a box with a pinhole on one side, encapsulating a reverse image of the external world that no one can ever see – demonstrating that an act of looking into the pinhole makes the image disappear.
Photographic works, which are presently exhibited, were produced by fixing light entering through a pinhole on a box onto a film, as with a general pinhole camera. A pinhole camera requires longer exposure than a normal camera that condenses light efficiently through a lens, and records an ever-changing scene along with a course of time, rather than momentarily capturing a landscape.
The film stores layers of moving images. This can be connected to the concept of his first work in 1971 projecting a moving image of a river onto the river.
The last one, “pinhole room”, is an exhibition room itself set out as a pinhole camera. Films on walls are exposed to light entering through a pinhole, and images are printed in full scale by contact printing. The photographs thus printed are presented in the same order as the films.
These are works meant for reproducing phenomena inside and outside of the camera. One of those includes a shadow of the artist staying inside the room (camera), being a subject and a photographer at the same time. This shows that these photographs are artistic expressions, not just recording media.
During the period of rapid economic growth, various new arts were introduced in Japan but many of those were perceived as mere aspects of the era and their values have never been reviewed. However, these Japanese arts in 60s and 70s are being reevaluated internationally, as exhibitions of Mono-ha as well as Gutai have become popular also among young people. Such tendency is being reimported to Japan.
Following the exhibition held at our museum in January 2013 introducing Yu Matsuzawa’s radical approaches to conceptual art in mid 60s, the present exhibition introduces photography as modern art, through Yamanaka’s works.
Translation by Miho Ida