若江漢字《地中海 ― I・始まり》
2024年 6月6日[木]- 8月18日[日]
助成:公益財団法人 朝日新聞文化財団
※ 2024年8月19日[月]~9月4日[水]は展示替え期間のため休館になります。
■News 産経新聞 かながわ美の手帖で若江漢字の企画展が紹介されました。
■News 6月9日に行われた、若江漢字氏によるトークイベントをYouTubeにて公開いたしました。
地中海- I・始まり
今回展示する作品は、キリスト教の始まり、その出現の地である地中海を主題に制作したインスタレーション《地中海- I・始まり》と言う作品です。 西欧では“マリアの子宮から地中海文明は生まれた” との言葉が使われますが、遠くヘブライキリスト教文明とグレコローマン文明が地中海で出会い、融合して地中海文明が誕生し、その地中海を囲む諸国からの知的遺産であるギリシャの哲学や、民主主義、ローマの軍事土木技術、一神教の覇権、中世の医学と神学、近代の科学文明や資本主義など、今の我々の生活と直結する社会制度の始まりが地中海からのものであり、改めて地中海とは何か? 信仰とは?を問い再考するきっかけとなればと制作した作品です。
2024年 若江漢字
MUSEUM HAUS KASUYA 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Kanji Wakae
Mediterranean – 1. Beginning
June 6(Thu) – August 18 (Sun) 2024
10:00 – 17:30 (Last admission 17:00)
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
800 yen for adults
600 yen for students
400 yen for elementary school students
Subsidized by The Asahi Shimbun Foundation
Closed on August 12 (Mon)
Talk by Kanji Wakae: June 9, 2024 (Sun) 14:00-
The present exhibition will focus on a previously unexhibited installation on the issue of religion, which is one of the motifs recurrently appearing in Wakae’s works. What is religion that is closely related to mankind and influences every aspect of human history? Through his works, we will trace the origins of religion that was created by humans and has been passed down by humans to the present time.
Mediterranean – 1. Beginning
The production of the installation on display began in 1988, and was finally completed in 2022 after a long struggle. I started when I was based in Germany and continued after returning to Japan, with a laborious effort to find the objects that would constitute the work.
In Germany, I would look for such objects in flea markets held somewhere every weekend, but it didn’t go as planned and took me 30 years. Today we can readily get what we need from any country through the Internet, and thus this exhibition was made possible.
Religious issues have long been of interest to me, and I am currently working on several works on the subject of faith.
The installation on display is titled “Mediterranean – 1. Beginning” and themed around the Mediterranean, where Christianity first emerged. Hebrew-Christian civilization and Greco-Roman civilization met and fused in the Mediterranean Sea from afar, resulting in the birth of Mediterranean civilization. As such, it is said in Western Europe that Mediterranean civilization was born from the womb of Mary.
Greek philosophy, democracy, Roman military and civil engineering, the hegemony of monotheism, medieval medicine and theology, and modern scientific civilization and capitalism, that is to say, social systems that are directly linked to our lives today, are the intellectual heritage of the Mediterranean countries. I created this work with the hope that it would provide an opportunity to question and rethink what the Mediterranean is, and what faith is.
Kanji Wakae, 2024